Comics are for everyone. The ever expanding world of comics is ful of so many genres that I’m sure if you look hard enough you will find something up your alley. I myself have been reading comics since I was a kid and I had a comic shop right next door to where I lived. It was a magical wonderful thing to walk out the front door to the building and fifty feet away was the newest issues of Archie or Wonder Woman. I was in third grade so my taste were tame. Fast forward to now and I still read Archie and Wonder Woman but my taste has expanded and I read all different kinds of comics.

NAILBITER is Horror/Mystery/Awesome  comic story  By Joshua  Wiilliamson and  Art by Mike Henderson. It is a story about a town in Oregon that for some mysterious reason is the birthplace to sixteen nasty serial killers.There is a FBI profiler who is investigating the town and he goes missing. Now Officer Nicholas Finch is in town looking for his missing friend. Finch has to work with locals including the notorious  Nailbiter ,who he has a past with ,if he is going to solve this mystery.


The title of this first volume is “THERE WILL BE BLOOD”, and they are not lying on that one. I was drawn in and hooked oby the first two pages where we meet the Nailbiter in full munching form.One of my favorite things in this book is when we get the stories on some of the 16 serial killers that hail from this town. they are not your run of the mill slice  and dice backstories. They have that dark  humor that I love in a horror comic. You get the feeling of a David Lynch movie, Criminal Minds, and Hannibal

You will find this bloody good time put out by IMAGE COMICS. If you are making your wondercon comic shopping list (like I am ) then you should give this one a try. The story is original and the art and color pallate   make you fall into the gritty world of Bukaroo,Oregon.