Last night I ,like most of America tuned in to watch The Walking Dead 90min season finale. I even went so far as to watch it LIVE which is quite an accomplishment for me considering it is the only show that I sit through commercials for. Being a huge fan of not only the comics ,but also the show I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see Negan. Truth be known ,I already have a serious crush on ,Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the actor who plays him ,but even if they didn’t cast that sexy man I would still be overly excited to meet the big bad Lucille swinging maniac .

So let me get this out of the way.So you can get going to craft your comments on how wrong you think I am … I liked the episode and the cliffhanger didn’t make me hate it .

Ok ,now that is out of the way let me tell you why I have this somewhat unpopular opinion. 

1. NEGAN!!! Mr. Morgan played the role so perfectly with just the right amount of charm humor and homicial maniac that I couldn’t be happier. And since Negan is still in the comics I hope that means we get many seasons his smile. Also the fact that his speech is taken for the most part directly from the comics … Well I was in nerd heaven . Yes, we won’t get all the fuckity fuck fucks that he uses but it’s AMC  and that’s what the blu Ray is going to be for. 

2. Andrew Lincoln’s performance in this episode was insanely good. The path he takes from cocky and way to comfortable in the beginning of the episode in Alexandria to the tear sweat and snot filled mess at the end was something to behold. While everyone else complains about the the huge amount of time on the rv travel(trap) I was completely emotionally engaged watching Rick as he progressively realized the mistake he made and the fear when he was holding Michonne’s hair. Ughhhh!!!! This killed me I could watch that man emote all day !

3. The rv scenes …the way this was written and shot I felt like I was being pushed and trapped into a smaller and more stressful corner every stop.This episode did a lot to give me the feeling of being there more than just a spectator. 

4.Maggie  …all I can say is poor girl. Just when they give her the comic haircut they go and make her sick. Why ?!? 

5. Carol… I love the character of Carol and the journey we have seen her character take from quiet a used wife and mom to kick ass and do anything for her family. Now with this most recent break in her mental well being I am reminded that this is the same woman we have seen for six years and even though she has become the badass “Look at the flowers “,and baking cookies Carol she is still such a well rounded fleshed out character that these moments of weakness and doubt make her moments of strength all that much more spectacular and let us think “if she can do it , I bet I could too.”.

6. Abraham❤️Sasha and Abraham❤️Eugene 

7.The Knights from the Kingdom coming to help Morgan and Carol. YES!! I am really hoping we meet Ezikel and Shiva by he mid season finale next year. 

Now with all of this goodness I will say while the cliffhanger didn’t make angry  I can say of course I would have loved to have gotten that emotional release (cry my eyes out)with seeing and knowing who we lost, but I understand it’s TV an they have been doing cliffhangers forever to keep you coming back and talking about it. The show runner Scott Gimple has said we will see the whole bloody SceneKit all its gory glory I the first episode and it will be worth it. So I am going to trust the people who have not let me down in making a TV show that I love and I will wait patiently for season 7. 

Go ahead and let me know what you thought in the comments!