It is almost time for that special day that only horror lovers know how to celebrate,Friday the 13th! It is coming up this May, so I have come up with some fun ways to honor this day of superstitions, Jason Vorhees , and general creepy and horrorific things here in Southern California. 

1.  The Great Horror Movie Night is  doing an outdoor screening of Friday the 13th(naturally) at the old zoo in Griffith Park. The old zoo is a fun creepy spot known to be haunted ,so a horror movie on Friday the 13 th goes together like Jason and a machete ! Gates open at 6:30 and screening is at 7:45 with tickets at just $15.00. Pack a picnic and remember not to wonder off in the surrounding woods on your own and it should be a great night.šŸ”Ŗ

2. If you are looking for a night of no sleep with the man of your nightmares the head to the New Beverly Cinema for the Nightmare on Elm Street marathon . This May 13 they are screening 7 Nightmare on Elm Street movies on 35mm with fun old trailers as well! It all starts at 7:30pm so get ready for an all night slash fest. Tickets will sell fast and they go on sale this weekend so don’t miss out

3.If all this talk of going out and being around people makes you want to pick up your own machete then plan c is for you. Load up on pizza and have your own horror movie marathon in the comfort of your own home.  If you don’t happen to own way to many movies like myself , Netflix has some very good options for horror right now. 

No matter how you decide to celebrate this Friday the 13th make it a good one. If you have any other ideas or traditions let me know in the comments!